Q: Payment methods you accept?
A: We can accept payment with Paypal and Western Union at present, and we will accept more payment methods in the future. If you would like to pay with credit cards or debit cards, please link them to Paypal to pay.

Q: Where do you ship from?
A: We ship from China.

Q: How long would it take to get the item?
A: Usually, we need about 2-3 working days to prepare your order and ship them. Then you will receive them in about 12-20 working days by epacket after we ship them.

Q: What is the return policy?
A: If you would like to return an item, it must be returned within 7 days after receiving your order and in the same condition as you received it. You must contact us before when return any item. Any item returned without pre-notice will be rejected.After we receive the goods which you return, then we will process the refund or exchange for you.

1. Defect in products, unusable
We do not accept refunds & exchange unless there is a defect in the items that makes it unusable.

2. Poor quality of Products
We accept refunds if the goods are confirmed for poor quality.

3. Wrong Size
We do not accept refund & exchange for size if you choose wrong.

4. Color Difference
Because of lighting, there will be color difference of actual color and photo color. we do not refund for color difference.

5. Individual defective product
We accept refund & exchange for individual defective product in your order.